Engagement In Film Part 1 Brief 02

Theory and Practice

Engagement in film

Brief 2

Sketchbook Notes
Some notes when watching Once Upon A Time in The West

Differences between Linear and non-Linear as well as Realism, Formalism and Classicism 

'Despite the apparent dramatic differences between open and closed form, it is imperative to keep in mind that the terms are not absolute. This means that a mixture of these two styles is not only possible, but in many cases preferable.'

Linear: The Last Samurai

How the narrative is used to create interest in the film using: The films narrative is shown through different angles particularly close ups with a few characters within the film. which create a more emotional connection with the audience. Landscape shots are also used which help create a scene of space within the film, leaving room for action to be fitted allowing the audience to see a lot more.

Plot: The plot of The Last Samurai is linear because besides the flashbacks used to help tell the story it is all told in chronological order with story being told from the start to the end.

Story: The story of this film starts off with the main character on one side but then later but not far from the start of the film, he switches sides and joins who he first considered his opposition.

Cause and Affect: The character starts off with no interest in the army after having a disturbing past with them, but due to money and personal reasons he rejoins the army and trains recrutes to become solders. The Higher ups sent the trainees and their training captain to battle before they were skilled enough for battle, and in the end they are defeated apart form the main character who was training them as he was captured du to his resilience. The character switches sides and joins forces with the enemy.

Cause: The main character has personal and money issues 
Affect: Joins the army

Cause: Captured due to higher ups not listening to him.
Affect: Joins forces with the enemy
Time: This film is all in chronological order and the only part that isn't is when the man character has flashbacks of fighting in the war against the Indians, and remembers all the disturbing things he witnessed

Space: This film uses quite a few close ups witch increase the emotional impact the characters have in the audience. Also Though at the end the fight scene is in a field in open space their is very limited amount of exes area seen and the characters are focused on more than the size of the environment it's self which also increase the emotional impact this has on the audience as they see more than just people fighting the soldiers faces are scene and the samurais are focused on more which could be the directer's attempt to encourage the audience to route more for the samurai as they are watching them suffer the attach of the opposition more than vice versa.

Framing (Open or closed form) Open Form (Realist) is when the director aims to create a visual experience for the audience that takes them in and makes them feel like they’re really in that world, that that world really exists.  It will focus more on allowing characters to have their secrets and let you wonder about them, it will allow you to wonder what’s going on outside the action on screen and wonder what the action looked like off-screen.  It’s about feeling like the world exists and is larger and more complex than the immediate area around the camera.

Metaphor: In this film a sense of houner and trust as well as fighting for what the characters believe in and wan't to protect is shown, through the resistance of the opposition samurais fighting for their traditions and resisting the threat of change.

Non linear: Memento

How the narrative is used to create interest in the film using: the films narrative is unusual and diffrent from others. every scene is diffrent it is all shown in different angles it also has certain scenes in black and white and goes at certain points goes forward and backwards in time.

Plot: The plot of memento goes backwards and so is non linear. The ending of the film is the first thing you witness and further through watching the film it is discovered the reason for the ending.

Story: The story for this film is unique as the ending is reveled first and the reason for the end is unraveled, so the story is basically reveled backwards, with moment's overlapping and repeated before progressing further to the next scene closer to the beginning. So rather than watching the film to find out what happens, the film is watched to find out why it happened.

Cause and Affect: His wife is murdered and he loses his memory capacity due to head trauma when his wife murdered attacks him when he approaches him. He ends up only remembering things from the past and can no longer remember anything form then on, and only has short term memory and can not remember things for lone, he deals with this problem by tattooing messages onto himself as well as using images and notes to keep himself right, but everything written he has to believe to be true fact regardless to what other people are telling him.

Cause: His wife is murdered
Affect: He sets himself a task to find his wife's killer

Cause: He believes his notes over other peoples words
Affect: His actions at the beginning are based on the facts he has gathered

Time: Time with this film dosen't just include going throught the story backwards but flashbacks and repetition of certain phases within the story. 

Space: The film consisted of a lot of close ups specially on the main character, it not only helps create a more emotional impact on the viewer but also in a way puts the viewer in the main characters position with waiting to figure things out. It is usually when he wakes up and has no memory of where he is and he is confused and trying to figure things out so the close up stops the viewers from also seeing what the vast majority of what his surroundings are. 

The framing of the film is Closed Form also known as formalist. It is filmed in a way that gives you no other option but to watch to find out what happens next, and with it being filmed backwards makes it even more interesting and missing one scene of the film would leave you unaware of why things are happening after. The film is mainly about the main character and how his story progresses throught the film, reveling why his actions at the start happened. It isn't filmed in a way to create the illusion that the world created in this film has the potential to exists.

Metaphor: The metaphor of this film is about having a reason to go on and adapt to conditions in life. Also all throught the the film what is real or not is questioned, and relying on facts rather than memory is more reliable.

Reference links to where i got extra information

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